Donnerstag, 10. November 2011

Android Froyo for Droid / Milestone

 Motorola finally released FROYO for Droid (Milestone).

If you're still using the default OS (Android 2.1 - Eclair) I'm highly recommending to change.

In my opinion, it's too late.

I'm really thinking about choosing a different company next time.

The main changes are:

  • Linux Kernel 2.6.32 (Needs less RAM)
  • App2SD (Save Apps to SD)
  • Tethering ( Wiki: Tethering )
  • and Flash 10.1 support !! 

Download and Info:  Motorola
 Or: Motorola

  • Connect your Milestone via USB
  • Make sure it's fully charged 
  • Install the update on your PC 
  • Start it and let it do it's work...  
It took ~8-12 Minutes to install.  

That's it! 

Please also visit our Youtube channel! 
Youtube: itTutorials4You

You could, of course, install Gingerbread instead of froyo.
Here is an untested and not-sure-if-illegal step by step instruction - Install android 2.3 gingerbread on motorola droid

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